Gems & Secrets

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The chronicles of the Humble Savage pt. 1


“Sharing my passion for paint with the community is a part of my purpose.”

If I had it my way, I’d throw paint for a living. I mean literally, throw paint, on people, places, & things.

I have always believed in the power of purpose. But it wasn't until recently that I woke up to the importance of maintaining meaningful relationships – connecting with other individuals who are doing what they love to do too. My name is Matthew Baratz; I’m a creative living in Nashville… 

Community is something I’ve craved for my entire life – it’s a basic human need. But for some reason, I feel like an outcast. I’ve been on this quest for what feels like ages: a quest to create my very own community. In so doing, I’ve isolated myself from the already existing communities that surround me. I’m beginning to realize, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of creatives around the world interested in the same things as me. Why do I still feel so empty & alone?

Today, I challenge myself to participate, to play an active role in life. Today I challenge myself to engage with my community in whatever way feels right to me: to go to a yoga class, to reach out to a fellow musician, to share my purpose with someone I respect, to go for a walk & hi-five the first 3 people I cross paths with, to email an article to that blog I’ve been wanting to write for… 

Today, I challenge myself to do what I love, and today I challenge you to do what you love, too. Look, my point is, no matter who you are or where you come from, you have a purpose. Today, I dare you to ask yourself, “What sets my soul on fire?”

Answer that question and pass it on. See you next week.

