NOVAA gives MADANII's 'WVTCHMEN' a proper remix

NOVAA gives MADANII's 'WVTCHMEN' a proper remix

NOVAA just gave MADANII's 'WVTCHMEN' a proper remix. Taking the already smash hit and creating an atmospheric, dreamy soundscape. NOVAA utilizes a slower more romantic direction of the track. It honestly creates a different feeling of the track and feels natural. Natural to the point that this could almost pass off as the original. It's relaxing and intimate and we love what NOVAA did with the track. If you haven't heard the original yet, you can do so here. If you like the song, share it with your friends and don't forget to connect with the artists to stay up to date on future releases. Enjoy

WVTCHMEN - NOVAA Remix out now!

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